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Home » 2009 MLB Draft » Stephen Strasburg Through Four Starts

Stephen Strasburg Through Four Starts

27.1 IP 19 H 6 ER 5 BB 59 K (3 WP, 1 HBP, 5 extra-base hits allowed)

His K/9 fell to a mere 19.43…

His K/BB improved to 11.80/1…

Of his 59 total strikeouts, 45 have been swinging and 14 have been looking…

Batters so rarely get a ball off of him in play, so his ground out/air out/line out data is based on too small a sample to really draw any conclusion. Even so, his GO/AO/LO numbers break down as follows: 10/8/2…

There have been only two innings this year that Strasburg hasn’t struck out at least one batter, including the two partial innings he has thrown through four starts (each partial inning was two-thirds of an inning). He has struck out at least three batters in 11 out of his 26 completed innings. He’s good.


  1. Rumor is he wants $50 million or he goes to Japan for a year, and we’re still just in March. I am sure there will be more to come.

  2. Robert Tosch says:

    The Vern kid for TCU is the most legit proprospect kid Mr. Frogoza because he is a true team player. In the league TCU plays in there are not many dead-red fast balls thrown…Even Strasburg mixes it up often…otherwise the league leaders would be crunching numbers in the twenty HR categories as other leagues offer. When TCU plays out of conference rivals they smash them…kind of like batting practice.

    This KID (Vern) does not have alot of SACS to protect his average…he actually trys to put the ball in play to advance runners not just thinking of his personal statistics…to win games for TCU…

    TCU runs so much that hit and run guys will make more outs with positive batting average indicators…these type of guys win championships…

    Obviously 21 can hit, he can run for a big man (6.4 60 yd., throw…he was a catcher before coming to TCU, so i know you understand he throw…strike-outs are something that happen with hit and run plays, trying to protect the runner…you just deal with it…I guess you need to understand the game in order to make evaluations without seeing…

    Defense is something that can be taught when you finally find one position and settle-in…Vern is probrably one of the most versatile players in the MWC conference…

    When drafted, I expect some team will find out how valuable his leadership is and how much he will contribute to their organization on the field and in the clubhouse…There is something about the chemistry of a player that is not always scorable by ratings…

  3. rfozga says:

    I’m honestly not sure where to begin – I don’t necessarily agree with the weight you place on chemistry and the strategical importance of hit and runs, protecting the runner, and productive outs, especially when it comes to evaluating a singular draft prospect’s potential. However, I see the matter as more of an ideological difference and one that is probably best resolved if we go the ole “agree to disagree” route.

    Before I go on, as always, thanks for reading and commenting. I’ll assume that Mr. Frogoza is me, so I’ll just go ahead and do my best to respond under that assumption.

    I actually think of the three players I highlighted, Vern is the most underwhelming prospect. Curry’s power potential and strong junior college pedigree will get him a shot – your mileage might vary with the Matt Stairs comp, but I like it. Carpenter’s senior status, strong defense at third, and advanced plate discipline will get him a shot. Vern’s bat may be slightly better than Carpenter’s, but Carpenter’s positional advantage makes him a more attractive prospect.

    In the end, of course, you could be right. Vern has hit like crazy so far, no small feat in a conference with less of a reliance on the fastball (a very good point you noted). His positional versatility, another strength of his game you noted, is an advantage. If he can play a passable emergency third base, his stock would go up as a potential four corners (1B, 3B, LF, RF) utility player…and emergency catcher. And, though I disagreed before about the importance of chemistry and “the little things,” they are nice perks that could inch him ever so slightly up a draft board.

    All that said, none of the three players rank among TCU’s best pro prospects. Their pitching staff is pretty loaded (led by my favorite prospect on the team, 2011’s Kyle Winkler) and they are strong up the middle, especially with the impressive play of another 2011 prospect, Taylor Featherston.

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